The Management has set up strict guidelines for the operation department to follow in the case of any outbreak in any contagious diseases. We have set up an isolation room for any worker that is infected by any contagious disease. He will be separated from his dormitories‘mates; daily meals will be served to him and an attached bathroom for his personal use. This is under the NEA (National Environmental Agency) rules and regulations. 

Our Operation Team is in–charge of our fire drill procedure; they are well train and are aware of the fire drill’s SOP (Standard Operation Procedure). We have taken extreme measures to prevent any incidents that might cause a fire. Rules and Regulations have been put in place for new foreign workers that checks in. Our Operation executives will brief them on the house rules to prevent fire. 

We have in-house services to fog the premises regularly to make sure that our dormitories are mosquito free. We fog regularly to prevent the workers from getting infected with contagious diseases. We stagger the timing of the fogging so that when we are fogging the premises, the workers are at work and the smoke would not affect them. JYC-NCL has taken extreme measures to prevent such diseases that would not only affect their life but also their work.

We engage 3rd Party Security Companies for the security of our companies. The Security guards are certified by ACSA (ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED SECURITY AGENCIES), many whom serve as a police officer in the past. We also issue access pass to the foreign workers that are staying in our dormitories. They are not allowed to bring visitors to stay over in our dormitories. The security of our dormitories is always alert of anything that happens outside and inside of the camp.